tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Nov 22 09:53:13 2010

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RE: puchpa' mu'mey

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

AFAIK there are no known words for these, although I'm sure several have been created by fandom.  Qov mentioned a couple of non-official {mu'mey ru'} coined at the 2007 qep'a':
  [qep'a'Daq] jatlh je [Okrand] not mu' moj <pIS> <SIt> je, Qutlaw'mo'
  wabmey.  maqIDmeH majalth <vaj DIlo'laH maH>."  
  [Qov, 8/02/2007]

So, although it seems un-Klingon to be squeamish about bodily functions, the only fairly understandable method I know is to use a metaphor with the verbs {tlhuch} "exhaust [i.e. waste products], vent" and {nIj} "leak" or the nouns {taQbang} "exhaust", {pugh} "dregs", {veQ} "garbage", etc. 

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

>-----Original Message-----
>From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
>On Behalf Of lojmIt tI'wI' nuv
>Perhaps something so easily recognized by several senses needs no name.
>Or perhaps one of our curse words already means this, but Maltz hasn't
>has cause yet to point this out. We could easily come up with something
>a native English speaker could recognize, like 'o'lam, but most likely,
>this would be a rather bad guess at what a Klingon would call it. It
>would not mark you as a native speaker.
>On Nov 20, 2010, at 8:54 AM, "Michael Roney, Jr. PKT" <[email protected]>
>> Well my current house has what is certainly a puchpa'.
>> It contains a toilet, a light fixture, and a toilet paper roll.
>> That's it. And that's pretty much all a true puchpa' needs.
>> And speaking of the puchâ
>> I'm currently sitting through "Elmo's Potty Time".
>> I may have asked this before, but do we have any terms for what one
>> puts in the toilet?

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