tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 19 00:34:22 2010

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Re: If I were you...

Fiat Knox ([email protected])

That /is/ the intent of "If I were you ..." - it imparts an opinion essentially disparaging the other person's choice.

Take a step back and think about what you're trying to say with the original "If I were you ..." sentence. Any way you put it, however direct or evasive, it's a challenge. You're voicing your opinion, and it is at the expense of the other warrior.

I'd expect the next thing out of the other Klingon's mouth, if he had a shred of honour, to be "I chose /this/ weapon, and so I will use it!" or some such.

And the best way to phrase "If I were you ..." would be not to say it at all.


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