tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue May 04 08:48:41 2010

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RE: pIqaD handwriting

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

>I recently received a postcard where the sender wrote their message in
>My excitement soon faded when I realized that handwritten pIqaD is
>remarkably different than when typed with a computer.

The same thing is true of cursive Hebrew.  Seminarians and secular academics who've studied Biblical Hebrew for years find to their surprise that they can't read a word of cursive Hebrew!  They and their teachers use a "block-letter" style of printing which, while good for making signs, is of no use for reading handwritten notes and letters or fancy cursive fonts in Israeli media.

>It was also different than the way I write the characters myself.
>Eventually, I found out that they used
>So, is there a style that's more (or less) preferred than others?

According to my notes Glen Proechel's "Interstellar Language School" used to sell his _pIqaD Exercise Book_ containing exercises for Glen's handwritten version of pIqaD for US$10.  The website was but the site is apparently no longer available.

Shane MiQogh's version of hand written pIqaD was available at 
but, again, I got a 404 "webpage not found" message when I just checked it now.

We've all worked out our own versions.  I imagine most are more "block-letter" style rather than true cursive.  Is there a preferred style that's used by the KLI at qep'a'mey?

Canon Master of the Klingons

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