tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu May 08 07:53:46 2008

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Fwd: Major Conlang Exhibit (including Klingon) at Cleveland Public Library

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

FYI... This was originally posted on the Klignon_Language Yahoo group 
(  Voragh

---------------------  Begin Forwarded Message  ---------------------
To: [email protected]
From: "Donald Boozer" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 07 May 2008
Subject: Major Conlang Exhibit (including Klingon) at Cleveland Public Library

 From May through August, Cleveland Public Library will be presenting a
ground-breaking exhibit entitled "Esperanto, Elvish, and Beyond: The
World of Constructed Languages" at the Main Library, 325 Superior
Avenue East, Cleveland, Ohio.

The exhibit celebrates constructed languages and those who take part
in the art and craft of conlanging. Don Boozer, a former librarian in
the Literature Department at Cleveland Public Library and now the
statewide online reference services coordinator for Ohio, organized
the exhibit and wrote the majority of the text and captions. However,
conlangers from around the world graciously submitted photos and
biographies for the exhibit including Suzette Haden Elgin, Marc
Okrand, John Quijada, David J. Peterson, Doug Ball, Carsten Becker,
Måns Björkman, Sonja Elen Kisa, and many others. Proofreading was
kindly done by conlangers in Britain, Australia, Canada, and the
United States. The project was truly a collaborative effort
encompassing several continents. A companion booklet will also be
available at the exhibit: "A Conlanger's Bookshelf" compiled by Don
Boozer. A selection of conlanging resources is available at

Encompassing the entire exhibition corridor of the second floor of the
Main Library in downtown Cleveland, the display encompasses six large
cases,two smaller cases, and two flat panel cases. The six large cases

- "Conlangers' Inspiration: Languages & Linguistics" includes
information on phonology, affixes, word order, noun classes, and more.

- "Early Conlangs and Universal Languages: From Ancient Greece to
20th-Century America" highlights early conlangers and language
theorists like Plato (in "Cratylus"), Athenaeus of Naucratis (in "The
Deipnosophists"); St. Hildegarde of Bingen; Lewis Carroll; Jonathan
Swift; Edward Powell Foster and James Ruggles of Ohio; and more.

- "The Shakespeare of Conlangs: J.R.R. Tolkien" includes a timeline of
Tolkien's life and work; Quenya and Sindarin highlights; the
significance of his essay "A Secret Vice"; biographies of Helge
Fauskanger, Måns Björkman, and David Salo; and much more.

- "International Conlangs: Esperanto & Other Auxiliary Languages"
covers the development of Esperanto, a photo and biography of L.L.
Zamenhof, the history of Amikejo "the Esperanto nation that almost
was," two native-speaking Esperantists, some phrases and grammar, and

- "The Warrior's Conlang: Klingon" highlights tlhIngan Hol a brief
introduction to the language and alphabet, photos and biographies of
Lawrence Schoen and Marc Okrand, the Klingon Language Institute, the
Klingon Translation Project, the "art" of Klingon cursing, and
much more.

- "Meet the Conlangers: The World-wide Community of Language Creators"
introduces viewers to Suzette Haden Elgin, Sonja Elen Kisa, David J.
Peterson, Mark "The Zompist" Rosenfelder, Sai Emrys, Carsten Becker,
and several other well-known conlangers as well as provides
information on the Conlang Flag, the Language Creation Conferences,
CONLANG-L, and more.

One smaller case at the beginning of the exhibit provides an
introduction to the subject for the public. The other smaller case
includes conlangs in films and fiction other than the "big three"
(Esperanto, Elvish, and Klingon).

One flat panel includes a Conlang Glossary and "The Conlanger's
Manifesto" (courtesy of David J. Peterson). The other includes a
collection of Babel Texts in various conlangs and English.

Parking is available in several garages and surface lots surrounding
the library. For more information, call the Literature Department at
Cleveland Public Library at 216-623-2881 or by contacting Don Boozer
at [email protected]. Photographs of the exhibit will be
forthcoming and access to these will be posted in a subsequent posting

----------------------  End Forwarded Message  ----------------------

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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