tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Aug 27 07:57:56 2008

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RE: 'orwI' vImojchoH.

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

>> chay' {'or} mughlu'?  mu'vam vISovbe'.

> {'or} = 'to pilot or operate an aircraft'.  mu' chu'
> 'oH.  qep'a'Daq maqlu'.

Published in HQ 11.2 (p.8):

  Maltz thought that the best word for "operate (an aircraft)"
  was {'or} - so the person who does this would be the {'orwI'},
  "one who operates (an aircraft)". In general, {'or} would not
  be used to refer to the activities of the captain of a
  spacecraft, or even those of its helmsman, but Maltz said it
  could be used for the controlling of a shuttlecraft. He was
  comfortable translating {'or} as "pilot" (the verb) and
 {'orwI'} as "pilot" (the noun).

Related vocabulary:

  By extension, the term {raQ} is also used when referring to
  controlling a space vessel "manually" (that is, when the
  controls are manipulated directly by a person rather than
  a computer): {Duj raQ} ("He/she controls the ship manually").
  [KGT 79]

Presumably, our old friend {puv} "fly" is intransitive, based on our one known example of {puv}:

  puvtaHbogh Duj ngabmoHlaw' So'wI'
  [cloaking device] allowing the ship to fly in a state
  of practical invisibility  (S33)


   puv lupDujHom
   the shuttlecraft flies


   lupDujHom 'or Qov
   Qov flies the shuttlecraft
   Qov operates (pilots) the shuttlecraft

   lupDujHom raQ Qov'e'
   Qov is flying the shuttlecraft herself
   Qov is the one controlling the shuttlecraft manually

BTW, there was other aircraft-related vocabulary (requested by Qov IIRC) in the article which I can post if you don't have a copy of that issue available.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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