tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 14 11:08:52 2008

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Re: idea for writing system

Lieven Litaer ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

ghItlh Rogers:

> How many does Klingon have?  Atlantean has like 50, maybe a bit less.  Latin probably
> has 100 (5 * 10 + the tense/aspect in-betweens and other stuff). 

I never counted them exactly, but it's roughly 70 suffixes for nouns + verbs. And then we have about 30 prefixes, so altogether I'd say 100 affixes.

By the way, you asked for stardate: 
it just says for how much percent (actually permille) the year is over, so 000 is the beginning of the year, and 999 is close before the last second of the year.

today is the 226th day of the year, devide it through the number of days and mutiply with 1000:

226/365x1000 = 619,7
to have an exact date, you need to also calculate the minutes and hours etc.
I belive someone even made a small nice software for this...

What you add in front of it is somethin different, the number picard used showed the season: 41 = Season 1


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