tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Mar 30 20:35:22 2006

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Re: KLBC (adverbials)

Terrence Donnelly ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

--- Shane MiQogh <[email protected]> wrote:

> In other words, 2 seperate sentances....?

That would be one solution, yes. You could also
use a relative clause: {loQ Doqqu'bogh Doch
vIparHa'} "I like the thing which is a little
bit red".

I'm sure you don't mean to do so, but you seem to
be focusing on features that Klingon lacks, which
could easily lead to discouragement.  Really,
these are lacks only in comparision to English,
and Klingon should be accepted on its own terms.

Why don't you try sending some actual messages,
like what happened at school, or how the weather is
at your house, or what you did over the weekend,
or really anything at all.
(be sure to include an English gloss!) Don't
get hung up on features of English that aren't
present in Klingon, try to find work-arounds to
say what you want to say.  Think of Klingon like
haiku, an attempt to be creative within a limited
framework.  I'm sure you'll find that Klingon is
adequate for almost anything you want to say.

-- ter'eS BG

> Terrence Donnelly <[email protected]>
> wrote:  --- Shane MiQogh wrote:
> > So is there a way to make the adverbial stick to 1
> > verb, but not the other?
> Not when you're using it as an adjective. You'd have
> to use the color verb as a predicate: {loQ Doqqu'
> Dochvetlh} "That thing is a little bit red".

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