tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Mar 20 14:20:35 2006

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Re: On a more humerous note (some may not think of this as funny)

Shane MiQogh ([email protected])

Woops... lol i ment to say if you want to make klingon more normal if you had acronyms... just so used to talking to everyone and their projects (like websites and such) on how to make somehting more unique so it's more attractive and original.
Thorwald Peeters <[email protected]> wrote:
  > If one wants to make the KLI more unique
> come up with a list of "Klingon Acronyms" to add as a humor section.
Ok, just a little question of semantics... How does looking more like your
neighbour make you more unique then you already are?

> 3puH (Charming) Excl
> 3 (not yet) ADV
> 0 (Either/OR) Conj
> 4pev (Quadrotriticale) noun
> b (woman/female) noun

maj! vIparHa'.

Thorwald Peeters
a.k.a. qa'pIn qorghon puqloD, q'meQ tuq
a.k.a. SoplaHtaHwI'
yuch betleH 'obe' la'quv

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