tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 18 03:23:24 2006

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KLBC: "in life"

qa'pIn qI'meQ ([email protected])

I've come across the very deeply funny saying "the best things in life
aren't things", and I would like to translate it to tlhIngan Hol.
I've come up with

Dochmey yInDaq QaQ'a', Dochmeybe' 'e'

First of all I hope this is right for the greater part, but my question is
specificly about my use of {-Daq} here.

I fear that this might actually be too close to the English version... Or is
{yInDaq}  good for "in life"? I thought of using "life's best things"
instead of "the best things in life"...

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