tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jul 14 08:26:44 2006

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Re: Klingon WOTD: Sa' (noun)

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

>This is the Klingon Word Of The Day for Friday, July 14, 2006.
>Klingon word:   Sa'
>Part of Speech: noun
>Definition:     general (rank)
>Additional Notes:
>KGT p. 52: The officers ({yaSpu'}) are ranked as follows (from highest to 
>lowest, each given with its usual Federation Standard translation): {'aj} 
>("admiral"), {Sa'} ("general"), {totlh} ("commodore"), {'ech} 
>("brigadier"), {HoD} ("captain"), {la'} ("commander"), {Sogh} 
>("lieutenant"), {lagh" ("ensign"), {ne'} ("yeoman").
>When used with an individual's name, a title follows the name: {tlha'a 
>HoD} ("Captain Klaa"), {cheng Sa'} ("General Chang"), {qeng la'} 
>("Commander Kang"), and so on.

"If someone has an official title, such as a military rank or a position in 
the government, this title follows the name; for example, {martaq Sa'} 
(General Martok), {ghawran Qang} (Chancellor Gowron). When addressing such 
a person, the title is left off only when the occasion is decidedly 
nonofficial." (KGT 197f)

Used in canon:

   ghu'maj Dayajbe'law', Sa'
   [You don't seem to grasp our situation, General. (novel)] ST6

Known Klingon generals include Martok (DS9), Koord (ST5), Chang (ST6), 
Khmarr (ST6), Grokh (ST6), K'Vagh (ENT "Affliction", 
"Divergence").  Anybody remember any more, especially from TNG?

Surely the noun {Sa'Hut} "ass, rear end, buttocks" has lead to some 
dangerous punning in the ranks - at least when drinking!  <g>

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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