tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jan 24 13:38:06 2006

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Re: Klingon at the Thanksgiving table - A month late...

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

> > voan [...] It works in Klingon as well

>Does it? I'd have thought that Klingon phonotactics prohibit two
>consecutive vowels.

They do.  You need to insert a glottal stop /'/.  E.g.

   {be'etor}    B'Etor
   {qI'empeq}   K'mpec
   {tlha'a}     Klaa

>(Also, syllables ending in vowels tend to be a bit rare -- verb
>prefixes are a notable exception.

As are proper names:

   {barot}      Barot
   {DuraS}      Duras
   {ghIrIlqa'}  Grilka
   {mara}       Mara
   {molor}      Molor
   {qamor}      Kahmor
   {qolotlh}    Koloth
   {qoreQ}      Korax

and words apparently borrowed from another "dialect" having an initial 
consonant cluster:

   {bIraqlul}   brak'lul
   {bIreqtal}   Brek'tal
   {bIreQtagh}  bregit lung
   {qIvo'rIt}   K'Vort class (vessel)
   {bI'rel}     B'rel class (BoP)

But just as often you'll see a glottal stop inserted where you might not 
expect it:

   {be'etor}    B'Etor
   {qI'empeq}   K'mpec
   {ruq'e'vet}  Ruk'evet
   {tI'vIS}     T'vis
   {tlha'a}     Klaa
   {wo'rIv}     Worf

>I think that syllables *starting* with a vowel are completely off, though.)

Absolutely.  Cf.

   {'aqtu'}     Aktuh
   {'atrom}     A'trom

which actually begin with a glottal stop in ta' Hol.

>{vo'an} would fit the rules as I know them.

No argument.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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