tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jan 23 19:24:07 2006

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(KLBC) How does one express feelings...?

Shane MiQogh ([email protected])

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  Now... I don't now about yu guys, but i don't see anywhere a listing of expressions.. I do know a few excelerators, but how does one go about saying "darn!"? How does one go about expressing strong satisfaction..? Like, "yes!"? Now it'd probably not be HIja' or anything literal compared to english, but what would it be..? Also, i havn't seen a listing anywhere of what the curses mean... I mean, what if we are to use the curses, wrong? They may be curses, but knowing them could indeed add to one's knowledge of the language. I'm guessing some curses are verbs, shortened sentances, adj, and, of course, nouns. We all know how to insult, but i personally myself would like to know what p'taQ means. lol pardon my cussing if it isn't appropriate here. lol

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