tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jan 22 05:38:31 2006

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Re: I have a few questions that confuse me...

QeS 'utlh ([email protected])

ghItlhpu' Shane MiQogh, ja':
>Well, some one might wanna clear that up in the postal course...

To be honest, I'm not sure that the postal course has been updated in a 
while. You had best get TKD if you want all this cleared up; unfortunately, 
it is impossible to fully learn Klingon just from the limited number of 
lessons found in the postal course.

>In all reality, i won't even speak klingon, but type it i will... lol

For many of us, Klingon is only a literary language. I *can* speak it, but I 
have no-one to speak it with, and talking to oneself only goes so far. {{:)

>Well, i might try to speak it some time, but will any of us actually have
>a practical use for it verbally?

I learn the Ubykh language, which has many sounds in common with Klingon, 
and I have found that since I started speaking Klingon, my Ubykh 
pronunciation has got noticeably better because I am more used to making 
those sounds foreign to English. As well as that, Klingon's limited 
vocabulary makes it an excellent exercise in circumlocution, which is often 
necessary in any foreign language.

>It makes a nice thing to show off, but pronounciation of some of the sounds 
>is rather tough...

It's no harder to learn to pronounce than, say, Polish, Mandarin or Gaelic. 
All it takes is practice.

>And i don't like spitting on people.

Emission of spit is tolerated when speaking Klingon, but it's definitely not 
necessary. {{:)

>Though i do like hte pronounciation of the S, i actually use it in english
>sometimes to speak faster... I talk faster than my dad people say and
>it's really funny is i "sound like a french auctioneer" in french class. 
>It hurts going slow... lol Enough bragging, in all reality, though, if 
>anyone has admin rights and a mike, make mp3 with high encoding or wave or 
>something, giving examples of some of the words rather than that guy... 
>Pronounciation is a bit though to understand...

You may be interested to see the movies made by our own BG, ter'eS, entirely 
spoken in Klingon and subtitled in English. They may give you an idea of how 
spoken Klingon actually sounds. They can be downloaded from As well, if you do not have them 
already, try to get hold of the audiotape "Conversational Klingon", which 
has a pronunciation tutorial at the beginning.

>And does it really make a difference if you pronounce the H with
>your soft pallet rather than haking a lewy from the back of your throat? 

The Klingon {H} is supposed to be made at the same place in your mouth as 
the English "k". Try placing your mouth as though you were going to say "k", 
then relax your tongue a tiny bit and try to make a scraping noise at that 
point in your mouth. It's the sound of German "Bach" or Scottish "loch".

QeS 'utlh
tlhIngan Hol yejHaD pabpo' / Grammarian of the Klingon Language Institute

not nItoj Hemey ngo' juppu' ngo' je
(Old roads and old friends will never deceive you)
     - Ubykh Hol vIttlhegh

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