tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jan 21 09:53:48 2006

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Re: yopwaH

Shane MiQogh ([email protected])

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It'd either be singlular or only plural if you use "-mey" i think. lol If you are referring to the pair itself,. it would still be plural, most likely. You'll have to ask okrand, considering we call it a pair of pants for a reson. It means, pants are consisting of 2 parts, each of which are called a "pant". Then again, it's like computer... De'wI' means informational device which belongs to me... while computer SHOULD be SImwI''a' if you go by english and every other language. Basically, a computer is a big calculator.

Lieven Litaer <[email protected]> wrote:  "pants" is plural in english, but is it in Klingon?

My thought is, why should it be so?

So I translate
{xxxDaq 'oHtaH yopwaH}
"The pants are on the xxx"


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