tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jan 21 09:43:53 2006

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Re: meyrI'Daq 'oHtaH gho'e'

Shane MiQogh ([email protected])

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Mairie means "town hall" while the masculen (sp?) form means Mayor, which is Maire. I don't know if this will be sent to everyone, considering i've never used any form of communication as an email ring or whatever you call it... If it dosn't, either way, you could add the words to mu' HaqwI' s word list. I'm not sure the URL, if you want it, send a request to me at [email protected] and i'll either post it public or individually to you. It's basically an automated Klingon Dictionary and it's freeware. It has a few mispellings (though i only spotted one) so some one might wanna correct them if you want to use it regularly.

Lieven Litaer <[email protected]> wrote:  If I remember correctly, Marc Okrand gave us at least one new word at the
latest qep'a': {meyrI'} "square".

I just noticed a possible pun, because in France the city hall ("la mairie")
is usually connected to a square.



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