tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Dec 28 22:20:22 2006

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Re: tlhach mu'mey: HolQeD

QeS 'utlh ([email protected])

jIghItlhpu', jIja':
>{-mo'} and {-vaD} are a little more difficult; for the latter, "one who
>benefits" would be suitable, but there's no Klingon word for "to

mujang Doq, ja':
>DochvaD nuvvaD ghap

This is not helpful for a couple of reasons:
1) {DochvaD} and {nuvvaD} can't be used as the subject or direct object of a 
sentence. What we want is a word or phrase that describes the beneficiary so 
that we can talk about it in sentences like "The beneficiary is marked by 
the suffix {-vaD}". We can't say *{mojaq <-vaD> lo' DochvaD}.
2) It's useless to use the suffix in the definition of a noun that carries 
that suffix. It's like defining the English word "pollution" as "a state or 
act of pollution".

jIghItlhtaH, jIja':
>I'm also tempted to use {vangwI'} "actor" for the subject of a  sentence, 
>but we then run into the problem of adjectival verbs, in
>which the subject isn't really acting, but simply *being*. Maybe
>?{DawI'} would be better for the subject of an adjectival verb?

mujang Doq, ja':
>tlhIngan mu'tlhegh motlh vIpoj:
>DIpvaD DoSDIp Delwot wot pengDIp Delwot.

Try not to make your own compound nouns; noun-noun constructions ({DoS DIp} 
"the target noun", {peng DIp} "the torpedo noun") are perfectly sufficient 
for the purpose you're after. Secondly, it's important not to use verbs in 
noun-noun constructions: {Del} is a verb "to describe", not a noun 
*"description". {Delbogh wot} is far better than *{Delwot}.

Aside from that, while *{pengDIp} for "subject" seems like a logical 
continuation of the theme introduced by using {DoS} as the word for 
"object", I think it's a little too cute. What about intransitive verbs like 
{Qong}? Is it useful to describe a verb as having a *{pengDIp} when it 
doesn't have a {DoS} it's shooting at?

>ghaytan yaj Hoch.

chaq yaj Hoch. 'ach pab lulobHa'. Hol'e' potlhqu' pab.

QeS 'utlh
tlhIngan Hol yejHaD pabpo' / Grammarian of the Klingon Language Institute

not nItoj Hemey ngo' juppu' ngo' je
(Old roads and old friends will never deceive you)
     - Ubykh Hol vIttlhegh

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