tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Aug 02 23:49:36 2006

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Re: How do you say "pizza" in Klingon?

QeS 'utlh ([email protected])

ghItlhpu' SuSvaj:
>"Pizza" doesn't work.  There is no "z" sound.

nuqjatlh? DIvI' Hol mu' *pizza* jatlhlu'DI' /z/ wab Qoybe'qu'lu'. mu'vetlh 
'oSmoHlu'meH *{pItSa'} vIlegh, 'ach vIpar. yaplaHbej {chab}. {Ha'DIbaH chab} 
"meat pizza", {chab Sar} "supreme pizza", *{Haway'Iy chab} "Hawaiian 
pizza"... All depends on how specific you want to get.

>The convention I hear most often is pIja'.

..."We tell you"? wa' DoS wIqIp ghunchu'wI' jIH je.

ghItlhpu' Paul, ja':
>France has been doing this for a while...  The really got irked at the 
>adoption of the phrase "email" and put out a political directive that the 
>proper French term is something like "courrier electronique":

They have been having some success with "courriel". Also, I quite like the 
French term "déverminage" - "debugging".

Ultimately, I don't think the Iranian situation is particularly different 
from that of France. I quote: "Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has 
ordered *government and cultural bodies* to use modified Persian words..." 
(my emphasis). IOW he's not forcing the average Farsi speaker to do so. 
Compare this to the official Turkmen word for "bread":


QeS 'utlh
tlhIngan Hol yejHaD pabpo' / Grammarian of the Klingon Language Institute

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