tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Feb 08 08:20:14 2005

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Re: chaq tlhIngan Hol rurlaw' tera'ngan Holvam

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

>The Yele language of Rossel Island, Papua New Guinea has no word for colour.

Neither does Klingon, but it does have four basic colors: {qIj} "be black", 
{chIS} "be white", {Doq} "be orange/red" and {SuD} "be blue/green".

>In fact all the colour terms are derived from physical objects, sometimes by
>reduplication (doubling the word).  For example, the white cockatoo is
>"kpaap^i", "white" is "kpaap^ikpaap^i".

Completely different, although Klingons do use physical objects for 
comparisons *if* there's a need for precision:  e.g. {Doq 'ej Qaj wuS rur} 
"be orange/red and resemble kradge lips" (for a particular shade of brown - 
which shade, unfortunately, is unknown; cf. st.klingon Feb. 1998).

>It has no word for "bright", but you can say "it's light is big".

Klingon does have a word for "be bright/light" {wov}, but no noun for "light".

>There is an nice word for "dark", "mg^id^i".

{Hurgh} "be dark"

>There is a noun "tuu", which means "smell", but no verb.

Klingon has a noun {pIw} "odor", but has three verbs:  {He'} "smell (emit 
odor)", {He'So'} "stink" and {largh} "smell (sense odors)".

>To say "Can you smell it?" you would ask the equivalent of "Is its smell 

   DaH vay' vIlarghlaH.
   Now I can smell something. CK


   Can you smell it?

   pIwvetlh yIngu'!
   What is that smell? ("Identify that odor!")

Do'Ha' tlhIngan Hol rurbe' tera'ngan Holvam'e'.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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