tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Sep 24 12:22:19 2004

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Re: Klingon WOTD: DI (n)

Steven Boozer ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

> > Cf. also the nouns {pIgh} "ruins", {pugh} "dregs" and {veQ} "garbage".

>Have >pIgh< or >pugh< ever been used in canon?  It's not in my canon list.

Never been used.

>What do people use for body waste?

All I have in my notes is *{pomlet} < {pom} "dysentery" + {let} "be hard" 
(suggested at a qepHom in Germany).

>I've considered >porgh bIQ< and >pugh< or >porgh pugh<.

"The body's water" seems clear enough, but "the body's dregs" could well be 
understood as referring to the empty husk left behind (and disposed of) 
when a dead warrior's spirit escapes to Sto'Vo'Kor.  Using {porgh}, though, 
seems right:

   Maltz was familiar with the scientific study of bodily functions, or
   {porghQeD}, but he didn't consider himself terribly well versed in the
   field. The closest he could come to "bodily function" was {porgh mIw},
   literally "body process", but he had a hard time thinking of an everyday
   sentence containing that phrase. He said that Klingons don't talk all
   that much about bodily functions as a group, but they certainly do talk
   about specific bodily functions. (HQ 12.4:8)

Don't forget the noun {taQbang} "exhaust" - *{porgh taQbang}!

(Another noun {ghImwI'} "exhaust" is used on the BOP poster for the device. 
There's also a verb {tlhuch} "exhaust" in TKD.)

>(This topic comes up every night at work.  I'd like to have a satisfactory 
>way to talk about it.

You actually discuss your excreta and {porgh mIwmey} at work?!  Every night?

>It may not matter since the people I'm talking to (except myself) don't 
>understand anyway.)

I'd think that {nuqDaq 'oH puchpa''e'?}, {DaH puchpa' vIghoS} or {puch 
vIlo'nIS} would be sufficient, especially your coworkers don't understand 
Klingon anyway.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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