tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Sep 22 10:00:09 2004

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Steven Boozer ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

> >> is "wound" {QID} a verb or a noun?


> >> wound physically, like injure, or wound one's feelings?

Wound physically, I would assume.  It's never been used in canon, but we do 
have this from KGT:

   ... doctors spend a great deal of their time tending to
   critically wounded patients and relatively little time
   performing routine examinations or practicing preventive
   medicine." (KGT 151)

For "wound one's feelings" we have the idiom {Ha'quj nge'} "take away a sash":

   This is the Klingon equivalent of "wound one's pride".
   The sash represents a Klingon's heritage. If the sash is
   removed, so is the Klingon's ancestral identity, and,
   along with it, his or her dignity and self-esteem. It is
   generally used with a possessive pronominal suffix
   attached to {Ha'quj} (sash): {Ha'qujwIj} (my sash),
   {Ha'qujlIj} (your sash), and so forth. Thus, the phrase
   {Ha'qujlIj nge'} (literally, take away your sash) means
   "wound your pride."                          (KGT 123)

When in doubt about a word listed in the glossaries of TKD and KGT, and in 
the absence of other evidence, I always assume the more literal, less 
figurative meaning.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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