tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Sep 21 15:18:54 2004

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Skype yISuq!

Lieven L. Litaer ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

I would never make advertisements just to bother people, nor do I get money 
for this.
It's just a great software that allows you to communicate thru the internet 
for free, and it's quality is even better than standard telephone.
It's possible to have a conference with up to five people, so this is 
perfect to host an online qepHom and practice. I've used it several times 
already to practice klingon with Senara, and my girlfriend has installed it 
too, just like my parents who live in Belgium, which is too expensive for 
many phonecalls.

(I'll use the word mIw "process" for "software program" here)

'ej DaH tlhIngan Hol vIlo'nISqu'ba'. QInvam vIngeHmeH vIDIllu'be'. Dunmo' 
mIwvam tlhIHvaD vI'angnIS. internetDaq ghogh HablI' mIwvam SuqnISlu'bej. 
'oHvaD DIlnISlu'be' 'ej lo'meH pagh poQlu'. mIwvam jabbI''ID pup law' ghogh 
HablI' motlh jabbI''ID pup puS. tlhIngan Hol qeqlu'meH QaQqu' Dochvam 'e' 
vItobpu' rut SenaravaD jIjatlhpu'mo'. mIwvam ghaj je be'nI'wI' jIHDaq 
Hopmo' juHDaj.

Daqvam Such:


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