tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Sep 13 07:55:31 2004

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Re: mI'mey 'ay'mey

Steven Boozer ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

lay'tel SIvten wrote:
>I was reading in the archive for October 1993 about attempts to express
>fractions in general.  Do we have a way to do this?

Not officially.  {bID} "half" is the closest thing to a fraction we have.


1) Some have wondered if {vI'} "decimal point" can be used to form=20
fractions, reading {vatlhvI'} "percent" alternatively as "hundredth" (fro=
{vatlh} "hundred").  E.g. *(loSvI'} "fourth, quarter".  But since this is=
only speculation, we should continue to use percentages, as in ST5:

   cha'maHvagh vatlhvI' Hong, QIt yIghoS!
   Slow to one quarter impulse power. ST5
   (lit. "Twenty-five percent impulse power; proceed slowly!")

2) Searching for "fraction" in my notes, I found this in Okrand's article=
in HolQeD 9.3 on how to read simple math equations:

   6 =F7 3 =3D 2
   wejlogh boqHa''egh jav; chen cha'
   "three times, six dissociates from itself, two forms"

   Reversing the dividend and the divisor changes the equation. {javlogh
   boqHa''egh wej} would be 3 =F7 6 and the answer would be a fraction...

And by an amazing coincidence, that fraction is {bID} "half" (i.e. 3/6 =3D=
1/2), the only Klingon fraction we know!

{javlogh boqHa''egh wej} *might* be a more mathematical/technical way of=20
reading out a fraction, akin to English "three over six".

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons=20

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