tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Aug 27 08:52:08 2004

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'Iv SoH vs. SoH 'Iv

MorphemeAddict ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol taghwI']

In a message dated 2004-08-26 1:54:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
[email protected] writes:

> I don't understand what you're saying here.  Why do these sentences only
> work if the verb is second?
> /'Iv SoH/  - verb could be /'Iv/ "You (are who)?" or /SoH/  "(You are)
> who?"
> /SoH 'Iv/  - verb could be /SoH/ "Who (are you)?" or /'Iv/ "(Who are)
> you?"
First and second person subjects require prefixes.  (First and second person 
*objects* require prefixes too, which is an argument against {'Iv} being a 
verb.)  So, to use {'Iv SoH}, we'd have to put a prefix on {'Iv}: {bI'Iv SoH}.  
But if we can do that, then we don't even need the {SoH}; we can just say 
"bI'Iv" (who are you?).  I don't think this is acceptable.

lay'tel SIvten

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