tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Aug 25 10:32:26 2004

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Re: waH

Steven Boozer ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

>{jIHbe'chugh SoH, QInvam yIbuSHa'} "If you are not me, disregard this 

>I would have said: {jIH SoHbe'chugh, ...}

Hmm... they both seem right.  If you parse the sentence:

   jIHbe'chugh SoH...
   if-I-am-not you

"You" as the subject, "are not me" as the predicate.  But if you parse:

   jIH SoHbe'chugh...
   I/me if-you-are-not

"You are not" as the pronoun-as-verb, "me" as a noun predicate/complement 
(whatever you call it, it's not an object).

Ah, we have canon:

   tlhIngan SoH'a'?
   Are-you a-Klingon? CK

   tlhIngan jIHbe'.
   I-am-not a-Klingon! CK

Substituting, we get {jIH SoH'a'} "are-you me?" and {jIH SoHbe'} 
"you-are-not me."   Substituting again:

   tlhIngan SoHbe'chugh, QInvam yIbuSHa'
   If you are not (a) Klingon, disregard this message.

lay'SIv is right, {jIH SoHbe'chugh} "if you are not me" is correct.

Now, what the devil was I confusing this with??

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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