tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Aug 23 13:37:49 2004

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Re: Klingon WOTD: much (v)

Steven Boozer ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

>This is the Klingon Word Of The Day for Sunday, August 22, 2004.
>Klingon word:   much
>Part of Speech: verb
>Definition:     perform (music)
>Additional Notes: KGT p. 71.

"Although Klingon music is performed rather infrequently outside of the 
Empire, music plays a vital role in Klingon culture, particularly vocal 
music." (KGT 70)

"Traditional Klingon music is generally performed only by those who have 
had a great deal of training. The study of this type of music, whether 
composition or performance, is considered a discipline not unlike a martial 
art. There are precise forms and complex rules, and mastery of the 
techniques takes years of study and practice. Traditional Klingon musical 
forms date back to the time of Kahless, if not earlier, and have shown 
little variation since then." (KGT 72)

"The word for 'perform music', whether instrumental or vocal and 
instrumental together, is {much}, which in other contexts means 'present', 
as in 'present a gift' to someone." (KGT 71)

"From the Klingon point of view, a song is not the product of an 
individual's mind. It has somehow always existed and is waiting for someone 
(the songwriter or, more accurately, song recorder, {qonwI'}) to transcribe 
it ({qon}) and then present it ({much}) to others." (KGT 71)

Note the nouns {much} "presentation" and {muchwI'} "musician":

   A musician is a {muchwI'} (literally, "one who performs music")
   (KGT 71)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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