tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 19 16:56:55 2004

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Re: Klingon WOTD: toy'wI''a' (n)

QeS lagh ([email protected])

ghItlhpu' Paul:

>DIHIvbej.  qo'chajDaq toy'wI''a' DImoj.
>"We undoubtedly attack them.  In their world, we would be slaves."

Interesting theory. It's useful to remember that Klingon has nothing like 
the English subjunctive mood, or a translation for "would", so I think this 
is a good candidate. Although, I'm a bit mystified as to why Okrand didn't 
use {-nIS} here: {DIHIvnISbej} "we definitely need to attack them". With 
{pagh} in the sentence, it's not so important.

Although, I want to ask: When I watched ST:VI, I thought that the officer in 
fact said {qo'chajDaq toy'wI'chaj DImoj} "in their world, we would become 
their slaves". I might have to go back and have a look at this, but I 
distinctly remember hearing oral consonants rather than glottal stops in the 
third word.

>As pointed out, he's definitely used /pagh/ as a conjunction.

I would guess because {pagh} *is* a conjunction, qar'a'? {{:)

>However, I would say that Okrand rarely recasts things as two sentences, so 
>the /-be'chugh/ option or the /-bej pagh/ option might be more "Okrandian" 
>than the "elision" option.

He recasts things as two sentences all the time. {{:) I don't see a problem 
with having two sentences here.


QeS lagh

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