tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Aug 11 16:18:37 2004

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Re: {puv} {'or} je

QeS lagh ([email protected])

>We have the separate verb {'or} for "to fly (a craft)"

jangpu' lay'tel SIvten:
>"fly" Sojvam vIQIj 'e' vInIDmeH jIjatlh: "v.  pilot, operate (an aircraft)" 
>bIH *'or* rapbogh _mu'mey chu' tetlh_ DIvI' Hol mu'mey'e'.
>pa' "fly" laDlu'be'.
>In an effort to help clarify this "flying" issue, the gloss for {'or} is 
>"v.  pilot, operate (an aircraft)".  "Fly" per se is not mentioned, 
>although it can obviously (?) be inferred.

>To fly an aircraft means to control its flight, not merely to 'operate' it, 
>which can involve taxiing and other actions on the ground.

Agreed. However, actions on the ground constitute only a very short amount 
of time compared to the time taken for the whole flight. (Unless you happen 
to be flying on the Australian airline Jetstar, of course. ;D) Flying's by 
far the most important action the {'orwI'} performs (except, perhaps, for 
landing). Unless context told me otherwise, I'd usually interpret {'or} as 
having something to do with controlling the aircraft in the air, probably 
not on the ground.

QeS lagh

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