tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Aug 04 07:51:54 2004

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Re: nughI'

Steven Boozer ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

> > How do I use nughI'?

>My guess would be to use the victim as the object: qanughI' = I give
>you a noogie (I twist my knuckles into your head -- or, as I've
>usually seen a noogie described: I rub my knuckles back and forth over
>your head, usually while holding your head with my other arm).
>Do we have canon for this? (I expect not - so "maSovchu'be'"...)

No canon on how it's used, but we do know its origin.  According to SuStel:

   SuSvaj happened to be sitting next to Okrand at qep'a' wejDIch when
   everyone was socializing and horsing around. While someone was giving
   a noogie to a hapless victim, Krankor jokingly said "We really should
   have a word for "noogie." So SuSvaj asked Okrand, what the Klingon word
   for "noogie" was. He replied, "Well that would be {nughI'}." Asked if
   this was borrowed from English, he said that he was fairly certain that
   the English word had actually been borrowed from {tlhIngan Hol}! He
   suggested that some word-borrowing was going on, and I think he said
   he wasn't sure which culture had borrowed from which.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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