tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Apr 17 21:50:49 2004

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KLBC: "while they tried to escape"

QeS lagh ([email protected])

ngabwI', I'm translating some of Alan Dean Foster's "The Last Starfighter" 
for practice (the vocabulary's very good for translation into Klingon), but 
I've already come across a hairy sentence, on the very first page: "while 
they struggled frantically to regroup".

I was just going to simplify this to "while they tried to regroup". I was 
originally thinking {ghomqa' 'e' lunIDtaHvIS} but an aspect suffix is 
illegal here, and if I can't use {-taH}, I can't use {-vIS} either. 
{ghomqa'taHvIS 'e' lunID} doesn't work, since {-taHvIS} marks a subordinate 
clause, and for a subordinate clause to exist it has to have something to be 
subordinate to.

What can I do?? :)

QeS lagh

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