tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Oct 27 09:04:33 2003

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Re: Klingon WOTD: qeylIS mInDu' (n)

Steven Boozer ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

> >Klingon word:   qeylIS mInDu'
> >Part of Speech: noun
> >Definition:     Eyes of Kahless
> >Additional Notes:
> >KCD.  A guessing game with dice where the winner receives a punch.

>Do we have any other details about this game?
>My KCD doesn't work, so I have no idea if it is described further on the
>cd or not.

qoror described the action in the game for me when KCD wouldn't run on my PC:

"You roll two dice (I think they have more than six sides), and the other 
person snatches one in each hand before you can see how they came up. Then 
you slap the hand that you think has the die with the higher number on top, 
and if you're right, you win. There can be some additions for extra flavor, 
such as spitting into the hand with which you're rolling, or taking a 
{Daqtagh} and striking it down on the table between the two hands."

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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