tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Oct 23 15:27:07 2003

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Re: Tao Te Ching Chp. 81

Steven Boozer ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

'ISqu' wrote:

>'IHbe' mu'mey teH.
>teHbe' mu'mey 'IH.
>ghoHbe' QaQwI'pu'.
>QaQbe' ghoHwI'pu'.
>HaDpu'wI' chaHbe' jIvHa'wI''e'.
>jIvHa'wI' chaHbe' HaDpu'wI''e'.
>[A] {HaDpu'wI'} = The one who has studied.
>I hope it is possible to attach suffix {-wI'} to a verb already carrying a 
>type 7 suffix.

This is in the realm of theoretical grammar.  Our only example comes from 
Keith R.A. DeCandido's pro-novel _Diplomatic Implausability_, for which 
Okrand provided a few words:  {jeghpu'wI'} "conquered people", described in 
the glossary as "more than slaves, less than citizens, this status is given 
to occupants of worlds conquered by the Klingon Empire."  However, we don't 
know if this is one of Okrand's words, or one of DeCandido's.  AFAIK it's 
not forbidden by any rule, but Okrand has never done it.  Others have, 
including several people on this List.

I do like your translation, though.  If it's not kosher, then you're stuck 
with {HaDpu'bogh vay'} "someone who has studied", like you quoted below.

>[B] {jIvHa'wI'} = The one who is "un-ignorant".
>Admittedly, this is not a perfect solution but I've
>already used {jIvHa'} to mean "to be enlightened"
>in chapter 33:
>   jIvHa' Sov'eghbogh vay'.
>   Those who know themselves are enlightened.

Or *{Sov'eghwI'}?  <g>

This touches on another bit of theoretical grammar: using {-wI'} with the 
verb prefixes (e.g. ?*{muSovwI'} "someone who knows me").  IIRC the 
consensus is that it can't be done.  OTOH using {-wI'} with a Type 1 
suffix, however, doesn't feel nearly as wrong.  If *{HaDpu'wI'} is 
possible, why not *{HaD'eghwI'}?

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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