tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Oct 19 10:53:29 2003

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Re: Daddy Daycare

Hakuohalakahiki Dei nucis naHQun El dios de piña ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

jatlh Captain Kalaa:
>I just got a chance to see the movie, and I was
>thrilled to find they included tlhIngan-Hol in the
>dialogue.  It was probably Eddie Murphy's idea,
>because he has always been a major Trekkie, and in
>every one of his movies there is a reference to Star
>Trek.  In the earlier ones they are hard to spot, but
>they are there, nonetheless.

I'm actually watching it at the moment,
and I found out that the tlhIngan Hol is not included
in the subtitles (big surprise), and I have a hard time
hearing exactly what that little kid says (although lots
of it I do understand).  Has anyone transcribed any of the
dialouge, or know where I can find a copy of the script?

tlhInganpu' tIQ Qun

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