tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 29 11:04:03 2003

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Re: Klingon WOTD: ro' (n-body)

>This is the Klingon Word Of The Day for Tuesday, July 29, 2003.
>Klingon word:   ro'
>Part of Speech: body part noun
>Definition:     fist

As used in canon:

   ro'lIj HI'ang
   Show me your fist! KGT

["an idiomatic expression used to challenge someone to take action in a 
manner consistent with something he or she has just said." (KGT 195)  N.B. 
When using this expression, be careful to enunciate the glottal stop  /'/ 
clearly!  Okrand goes on to say: "Substituting 'torso' for 'fist' by 
mispronouncing {ro'} as {ro} would produce a phrase that would be 
interpreted only literally. Ordering a Klingon to reveal his or her torso 
is probably not a good idea."]

"These words, {DeS} and {ghIt}, when referring to humanoid anatomy, mean 
'arm' and 'open, flat hand' (as opposed to a fist)" (KGT 63)

"To challenge one to a duel to the death, one hits one's adversary with the 
back of the hand ({chap}). If one is hitting someone for some other reason, 
such as simple enjoyment, one uses the fist ({ro'})." (KGT 69)

"The general term for a percussion instrument of any kind is {'In}. Some 
types of {'In} are struck with the hand, either palm ({toch}) or fist 
({ro'}), depending on the particular instrument. To hit the instrument with 
the palm is {weq}; to strike it with the fist is {tlhaw'}." (KGT 74-75)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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