tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jul 18 09:52:11 2003

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Re: Klingon WOTD: qan (v)

>This is the Klingon Word Of The Day for Friday, July 18, 2003.
>Klingon word:   qan
>Part of Speech: verb
>Definition:     be old (not young)

As used in canon:

because you are old. TKD

SuvwI'pu' qan tu'lu'be'
There are no old warriors. TKW

qanchoHpa' qoH, Hegh qoH
Fools die young. TKW

qan; QI'tu' rur
He/she is as old as Qui'Tu. KGT

'ugh SuvwI' qan
The old warrior is heavy. KGT

'uH SuvwI' qan
The old warrior has a hangover. KGT

qan qI'empeq
K'mpec is old. (HQ 10.2:9)

While {qan} refers to people, {ngo'} "be old (not new)" generally does not:

    ngo'; QI'tu' rur
    "old as Qui'Tu")

    "The word {ngo'} in the phrase above means 'old' as opposed to 'new.' 
     it would be applied to objects or ideas, but not to animals or people. To
     say that a person is extremely old, the phrase would be {qan; QI'tu' rur}
     ('He/she is as old as Qui'Tu')."  [KGT 130]

There is an idiomatic gesture with the verb {qan} "use the pinkie (little 
finger)": to point your pinkie at someone is to comment that you believe 
they are old (i.e. {qan}). (HQ 10.2:9)

Although a *{qanwI'} could be old person ("someone who's old") - not to be 
confused with {qanwI'} little finger, pinkie finger"! - we also have the 
noun {qup} "elder".

>Additional Notes:
>Opposite of {Qup}.

Cf. also {Doy'} "be tired" (e.g. {mu'mey Doy'} "tired words" refers to 
older Klingons' language, i.e. it's "old-fashioned" [KGT 35]), {notlh} "be 
obsolete", {tIQ} "be ancient".

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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