tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jul 18 06:55:10 2003

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OMF: BG, DaSov'a'?

Once again I quit lurking and write a message - as usual, first comes
the klingon text, then the intended meaning. I'm not sure if I the
words I used are used in the right way, but I hope the meaning is


roD Quj *Daq QInmey*Daq jIghItlhtaH, tlhIngan QIn vIghItlhpu'.
'u' ngaDtaHmeH 'ej jIqeqmeH, Qujvetlh qel QIn, vIghItlhlI'.

*OMF:BG* 'oH pongDaj.
*One Must Fall: BattleGrounds* 'oS 'oH qor "lujnISlu': vIq Daq"
QujDaq ghobtaH qoqmey. rut Suvchu' bIH. qoqmey SeH QujwI'pu'. DaSeH SoH.
motlh ghop vIq lo' bIH, 'ach rut nuHmey lo'.
Quj ngo' DaSov, rur'a'? vItul. nubwI'Daj 'oH *OMF 2097*.
Quj noypu' 'oH. DaH Quj chu' lulInglI'. tugh 'oHbeH.

DaH jItlhuchpu'. ** DaSuch, yIruch!

Intended meaning(english):

I wrote a message at a message board I usually write on.
In order that the universe stays stable, and too train myself, I am
writing a message concerning that game.

*OMF:BG* is it's name.
It "means"/represents *One Must Fall: BattleGrounds* or "lujnISlu': vIq
Daq" if you prefer.
Robots battle in the game . Sometimes to the death. The robots are
controlled by players. YOU control them.
Mostly they use hand combat, but sometimes they use weapons.
Does it resemble an old game you know? I hope so. *OMF 2097* was it's
A once famous game. Now they are producing a new game. Soon it will be

I'm exhausted now. Go visit **

Corrections welcome,


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