tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 15 17:34:32 2003

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Re: [tlhingan-hol] Re: pIqaD..

Indeed!  I, for one, *really* like the pIqaD font, regardless whether you 
call it "pIqaDqoq" or not.
I *really* dislike using English letters rather than pIqaD.
And I *intensely* dislike artwork which simply splatters pIqaD symbols 
about indiscriminately.

I want a font I can use with tlhIngan Hol, and not one that looks so 
boringly Terran.

If I wanted to do everything the Terran way, I wouldn't be interested in 
tlhIngan Hol in the first place.

There exists a standard, and even if it's not 'official' or 'canon', it' 
still a standard and it maps to the language.
It should be used and it should be promoted.

>While this is strictly speaking true, I think that's
>a little disingenuous, considering that the
>KLI itself uses pIqaD (eg. in the postcards). pIqaD
>is a true fan phenomenon, since it's been disowned by
>both Paramount and Okrand, but it's become so widely
>used that it's as close to canon as we're likely to get.
>Since it is so widely accepted and recognized (even by
>people who wouldn't give the KLI the time of day), and
>since no true canon alternative is likely to ever
>emerge, I think we're pretty safe using it. The other
>approach is not to use anything at all, but that's
>just too darn boring!
>-- ter'eS

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