tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 15 14:20:33 2003

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RE: Klingon - Terminology Databases (IMHO)

ja' DloraH:
> teH.  <ghoj> jIjatlhbe'nIS.  'ach Hol luqeqlaHbej.  yaHlIjDaq mI' mu' 
> DaqeqlaHbej.  'ej, 'ej ...

Ah! lu'! DaH jIQochbe'! DatDaq bIqeq. :) 'e' vISov 'ej yaHwIjDaq 
juHwIjDaq DujwIjDaq pachDaq jIqeq. Daq tamDaq bIghoj 'ach DatDaq bIqeq.  

> SoH qaHIvbe'.  DaH maja'chuqmeH tlhIngan Hol wIlo'.  QaQ ghu'vam.

qaHIv 'e' vIQubbe' :) ghu'wIj vIQIj :) 'ej HIja' DaH tlhIngan Hol vIlo' :)

> I do NOT accept this.  I understand that some people may have financial 
> difficulties (and thus can't afford qep'a', etc).  But they can certainly skip 
> that trip to McDonalds only a few times a YEAR.  Less than $1.50 a month (US).

I bought a membership for a friend because he couldn't afford it. He's 17, 
lives at home, doesn't have a job because he is in school, loves the 
language but his parents were both recently unemployed. Remember, it's not 
1.50 a month, it's $15 in one go. For some of the people I know, that $15 
means they won't starve that week. Many of us are well off enough to 
afford these things, but I have heard from many Fans who can't afford to 
buy TKD, let along pay out for HolQeD.. :( 

> At first this is certainly true.  After they get familiar with the basics, they 
> can start reading the other sections.

Yes, but thats a step that some people have a hard time getting over. The 
first time I joined this list, way back in '93, I was scared out of my 
yopwaH by the conversations going on. When you lack the confidence you 
sometimes need a push.  

> They could at least have their ship as a group subscribe and share the HolQeD.
> $1.50 a month split between a ship's crew; about 20 cents a month each.  Not 
> bad, even if they are reading only Qov's section.

Hehe, my ship can't even split a pizza let alone a HolQeD ;)


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