tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 15 09:11:15 2003

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Re: In Conclusion: "Is the language too bound...?"

From: "Klingon Warrior" <[email protected]>
> yInvaD lI'be' tlhIngan Hol 'e' Qubpu' tuqnIgh 'e' jatlhpu' QInwIj wa' (<=
can I use two /'e'/ like that?)

HIja', 'a qay' latlh Dochmey.

First, don't put any Type 7 suffixes on the second verb of a Sentence As
Object!  (I gotta get you people a chalkboard, so you can write that out a
hundred times.)  Never say /'e' X-pu'/!

Next, Okrand has told us that the only appropriate objects for /jatlh/ (and
/ja'/) are a language or a noun describing speech (SoQ, lut, mu', etc.).
/'e'/ is NOT an appropriate object for /jatlh/.  Don't use /'e'/ or /net/
constructions when relating what someone says.

Instead, take the sentence describing speech (e.g., /jatlh tlhIngan/ "the
Klingon says"), and the quotation (e.g., /'IH Dujvetlh/ "That ship is
beautiful") and push them together in either order:

jatlh tlhIngan 'IH Dujvetlh
'IH Dujvetlh jatlh tlhIngan
"The Klingon says, 'That ship is beautiful.'"

This is described in TKD under section 6.2.5.

>  lI'qu' tlhIngan Hol 'e' vItob 'e' vIjatlh jIH, jIH, jIH.  lI' tlhIngan
Hol 'e' vISov jIH!  jIHvaD ngoDvetlh
> DaQIjnISbe'.

maj!  vaj naDev bIbepDI' tlhIngan Hol yIlo'bej.

Stardate 3536.1

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