tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 15 05:33:40 2003

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Re: Klingon - Terminology Databases (IMHO)

>Here's an idea.  Who would be interested in publishing coloring books, 
>puzzle books (for those who like the challenge of tlhIngan Hol while taking 
>dump), or a comic book, not just strips?  These small things could lead to
>others seeking the language.  For instance: a crossword puzzle with all 
>Hol words with their translation next to them. A list of tlhIngan Hol words
>and their translations on a word search.  I would certainly buy that, and I 
>sure the investment of a few dollars rather than $20 or so would entice a
>great deal more people to investigate the language if for a lark if nothing 

Here's another idea.  Who would be interested in asking famous, sydicated 
comic strip writers, to see if we could translate and republish their works 
in tlhIngan Hol?  The novelty alone would give them great publicity, because 
who wouldn't want to see Haghar', warrior of ancient Qo'noS, or ghar'velD, 
honorable defender of lasagna?  neH cha' DeQmeywIj...

>-veS joH


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