tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jul 13 14:55:13 2003

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Re: Is the language too bound for its own good? (was Re: Klingon- Terminology Databases (IMHO))

ja' Klingon Warrior <[email protected]>:
>I 100% agree about making Klingon more "open."  It does feel like our
>hands are tied behind our back and that we have no control over the

Hol DaSeHlaHchugh, chay' DaSeH?  nuq 'oH ngoQlIj'e'?
jIgheltaHvIS jISagh.  bIjangtaHvIS yISagh je.

To what end would you use such control?  It's a serious question, deserving
of a serious answer.

>To me, this is ridiculous.  We speak and write and dedicate so much of our
>lives to this artificial language...why do we have no authority?

Holvam wIHaD.  wIghoj.  wI'oghbe' maH.  woQ ghaj 'oghwI''e'.  woQ ghajbe'
ghojwI''e'.  'ej Quj wIlajchugh, ngebbe' tlhIngan Hol.  luSeHbe' nuv ghom
ghap.  yInlaw' choH'eghmoH.

We put forth our effort to study and learn the language.  We lack authority
because we are not the ones who created it.

And if we go with the fantasy that Klingon is a living, natural language,
it evolves by itself, not under the control of any person or group.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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