tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jul 04 19:13:06 2003

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Re: Sun?

Oh, okay, SuStel!  I see where you can go with naming the sun.  Thanks!  I like some of those suggestions!

David Trimboli <[email protected]> wrote:From: "Klingon Warrior" 

> Is there a word for the sun? A sun? If not, any ideas on how to say such
a noun?

We don't know of any word for "sun."

Somebody's going to suggest /pem Hov/ "daytime star." That's cute, and
maybe even deductively conclusive, but it's always left me with a feeling of
"yeah, right." How often do YOU call the sun the "daytime star" in casual

Other unsatisfactory ways to say it include "Sol" (that is, name the sun in
question), /Hovtaymaj Hov/ "our star system's star," /Hov Sum/ "nearby
star," and /Hov'a'/ "important star." Feel free to construct your own.

Stardate 3506.8

Klingon Warrior
taHjaj wo'!

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