tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jul 02 07:58:33 2003

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Re: -Daq?

From: "Klingon Warrior" <[email protected]>

> I'm confused, SuStel...
> I'm not sure if you answered my question or not...
> I want to know how to say the phrase, " Klingon."  I now know that I
can't say, /tlhIngan HolDaq/.  In some
> sentences, the phrase " Klingon" is necessary,

In English.  In English, you're used to saying "In Klingon . . . ."  But
we're not trying to speak English here, we're talking about Klingon!  And in
Klingon, a different way of saying it is what is required.

> and I don't think that merely putting /tlhIngan Hol/ is sufficient for
> certain sentences.

It's not.

> So what do you think?  Translate this for me:  "In Klingon, /Doch/
represents 'thing'."

As in my last post, there are many ways to translate things that do not have
a one-for-one correspondence between the English and the Klingon.

Here's an exmple of this.  In TKW, p. 212, Okrand translates "Have the
courage to admit your mistakes" as /QaghmeylIj tIchID, yIyoH./  Literally,
this is "Admit your mistakes, be brave."  Are you going to complain that
Okrand didn't come up with a way to say "have courage to admit mistakes"?
No!  It's the IDEA that's most important.  If you can communicate your IDEA,
then you're speaking correctly.

So if I want to say "In Klingon, /Doch/ represents 'thing,'" I'd say

tlhIngan Hol jatlhlu'DI', "thing" 'oS <Doch>.

There are other ways to say this.

> Also translate
> this for me:  "In English, /Hol/ represents 'language'."

DIvI' Hol jatlhlu'DI', "language" 'oS <Hol>.

> The phrases, "In Klingon" and "In English" are what I'm stuck on.

Then get unstuck.  These phrases do not exist in Klingon.  Do not translate
phrases, translate IDEAS.

Stardate 3500.4

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