tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jan 27 11:27:50 2003

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Re: KLBC [bored]

>k> Is there a word for bored, be bored.  There is *Dal* boring, but bored 
>is slightly different.

FYI {Dal} "be boring" in canon:

   It's undoubtedly boring. TKD

   All of you are boring. CK

   Dal pagh jagh
   No enemy is boring. TKW

>Yes, indeed.  I don't know a way to express "being bored".
>But you can use {Dal} anyway.  You are "bored" when something is "boring", 
>I remember at the qepHom people protesting when they were bored, they just 
>said {Dal, Dal, Dal!} literally this is "boring, boring", but the idea was 
>"We are bored"

Although there's no official way, I have seen the following used on this 
list for "I'm bored":

   jIHvaD Dal
   ("It is boring to me" [i.e. with an unspecific subject])

   Dal ghu'wIj
   ("The situation is boring.")

which suggests:

   Dal yInwIj
   My life is boring.

or, for a Klingon:

   Dal roj.
   Peace is boring.

OTOH, if you want to say that something specific bores you, we're on firmer 
ground as we can add the causative suffix {-moH} to the quality {Dal}:

   muDalmoH 'evnagh nger.
   Subspace theory bores me.

   muDalmoH roj.
   Peace bores me.

Voragh                            "Damage control is easy. Reading Klingon 
- that's
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons      hard!"                  (Montgomery 
Scott, STIV)

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