tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jan 19 13:04:40 2003

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Re: "to be" and plurals

>But I was wonder, about this and similar sentences,  what happens when you 
>a number type element?
>cha 'oH.
>wej cha 'oH/bIH.  ?
>Because if you merely used the number in place of the noun, which is 
>wej bIH.  ?

But should you even use numbers with inherent plurals?  As I recall, the 
inherent plurals refer to things considered as a single unit/group (can't 
remember where I read this); therefore using a number with them would seem 
to be a contradiction.

If I wanted to say, for example, 'Launch three volleys of torpedoes', I 
would not say

wej cha yIbaH

but rather I would recast and say

wejlogh cha yIbaH

Of course, this implies that the launchings are not simultaneous, but if 
they were and were being fired at different ships, I could say:

Hoch Duj cha yIbaH

If they were being fired at the smae ship from different parts of my ship:

poSvo' nIHvo' 'etvo' je cha yIbaH

If they were being fired at the same ship from the same part of my ship 
simultaneously, {cha} by itself would do.

It just seems to me that numbers with inherent plurals shouldn't work.  If 
you want to use numbers, it would seem you're talking about them as 
individual members of the group, not as a single group.



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