tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jan 02 11:26:35 2003

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Re: Klingon WOTD: mI' (n)

pIl'o' vestai-GowRon wrote:

>Isn't the WOTD supposed to include homophones (or is that homonyms?)

If the word has been used in canon, I usually supplement Holtej's WOTD 
entry with those examples.  If I know of possible synonyms, antonyms or 
other related words, I'll go ahead and post them.  Occasionally, I've 
alerted people to the existence of a homonym so they shouldn't be confused 
if they see, for example, a noun taking the verbal affixes, but I usually 
try to keep it focused on the actual WOTD.

>what about <mI'> as a verb for 'to dance' or 'to workout'

{mI'} is glossed as "dance, run in place, exercise, do calisthenics, do 
martial arts movements" in KGT and Okrand discussed it on p.207:

   Sometimes seemingly ordinary concepts cannot be expressed easily. For 
   the Klingon verb {mI'} may be translated "dance", but it also means 
   do calisthenics, do martial arts movements." The central idea of {mI'} 
is that
   a physical activity is performed that results in no change, other than, 
   in the well-being of the person performing the action. Thus, it is wrong 
to use
   {mI'} for "run to a place", though it is quite appropriate to use it for 
   in place". No term in Federation Standard means quite the same thing as 
   {mI'}. By the same token, no word in Klingon means quite the same thing as
   Federation Standard "dance". At many Klingon festivals, a popular group of
   performers is called the {qul mI'wI'pu'}, usually translated as "fire 
   Since what the performer is doing is properly designated by the verb 
{mI'} but
   not really accurately described by the translation dance, the visitor --
   particularly one who learned the Klingon word only by its usual Federation
   Standard translation -- is in for quite a surprise when the show begins.

Note that this has absolutely no relation to the noun {mI'} "number", but 
feel free to add whatever you like to the thread.

Voragh                            "Damage control is easy. Reading 
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons      hard!"         (Montgomery Scott to 
Kirk, STIV)

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