tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Feb 20 08:11:37 2003

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Re: QongDaqDaq

From: "qurgh" <[email protected]>

> 'ach jIqalpu' 'e' bItob ;)

You mean /'ach jIqalpu' 'e' Datob/.

> tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhlaHbe' 'ej 'e' tob SuStel!
> Hmmm... how do I get across the idea that SuStel proved my belief and he
> is done proving it if I can't put a type 7 on a second verb? It's not my
> not being able to speak that has finished happening, it's the proving...

It's something that Klingon just doesn't do.  Given that Okrand has broken
that particular rule, I suspect that Klingons may also occasionally break
it, probably due to sloppiness.

This is a limitation you have to live with.

> blah blah 'ej 'e' tobpu' SuStle <= Wrong?

Yeah, you spelled my name wrong!  Oh yeah, your sentence is wrong, too!

> If 'e' is just a pronoun, in a seperate sentance, why can't I put a type 7
> on a verb in the sentence with it?

Because TKD 6.2.5 says you can't.

Stardate 3139.2

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