tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Feb 19 12:29:02 2003

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Re: Fwd: I buy Hess because if the below is true...

From: "Se'noj le'umaS" <[email protected]>

> Segh mayHa' jay'.

"$*$&* unfair type!"  nuqjatlh?

> mInmeyDaj vISop vIneH.
> yIngagh'egh jIruch jay', verengan Ha'DI'baH.

loQ qalughmoH.  Just a couple of comments here.  First, we don't know if
"Mate with yourself!" is insulting to a Klingon.  It's an English insult
when phrased differently.  (We do know that mating with one's targ is

But let's assume that mating with oneself is indeed considered to be
insulting.  Here's how you'd say it:

Mate with yourself!

If you want to add /ruch/ "proceed," it's a separate command:

Do it!

Finally, add the invective, and the utterance would be:

yIngagh'egh!  yIruch jay'!
Mate with yourself!  #($*# do it!

Your confusion comes from the insult on Power Klingon:

targhlIj yIngagh!  yIruch!
Go mate with your targ!

It's more literally, "Mate with your targ!  Do it!"  Don't think this is
some special kind of constuction.  It's two separate phrases/sentences.

Finally, /Ha'DIbaH/ has only one glottal stop in it.

not *Hess* vIje' jIH'e', 'a nIn ngevbogh malja' Sep ghap 'oHbe' meq'e'.

Stardate 3136.9

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