tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 29 18:34:53 2003

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Re: MOST terminology

Alan Anderson ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol po'wI']

ja' SuStel:
>As I see it, /jIH/ "monitor" is the device, /HaSta/ "visual display" is what
>you see through a camera (like viewing what's directly in front of your
>space ship, for instance), and /wIy/ "tactical display" is an abstracted
>view of some area, like a map.

maj.  rap vuDwIj, 'ach...

>People often come up with stretched meanings of /HaSta/, because they want a
>word that means something like "movie" or "graphics," but we don't really
>have such words.

tlhoy bIHoj.  chay' "movie" Delbe' <HaSta>?  mu'meylIj yIlaD: "...what you
see through a camera..."  mu' wIHutlh 'e' Daqap, 'ach pup <HaSta> 'e'
vIHar.  DalajQo'chugh, "map" 'oSlaH <wIy> 'e' DamaSHa'nISlaw'.

>As for "window," we now have /Qorwagh/ "window," and I don't see why you
>can't duplicate the metaphor.

bIHojqu'chugh, chaq tlhoy' tlhejnIS Qorwagh.  mu'mey qarHa' Dalajqang
qar'a'? vaj "pictures which move as if they were the actual objects they
portray and which are shown on a viewscreen-like device" 'oSlaHba' <HaSta>.

>But I am NOT going to get involved in the
>discussion of how to translate common menu commands into Klingon!  There's
>way too much kinda-sorta iffy compromise in there for me to be coming up
>with something "official."

wejpuH.  HIDjolev mu'mey SeQ DI'oghtaHbe'.  chen HIDjolev rIntaH.
DImughqu'taH neH.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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