tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 09 16:21:13 2003

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Re: Word for "random"

Steven Boozer ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

ter'eS wrote:

>As well as I can recall, there is no actual word for "random",
>as in "a list of random numbers".  I'm considering a phrase
>using the word {pat}, for example {pat Hutlhbogh mI' tetlh'e'}.

   "a number list which lacks system"

Not sure if {pat} "system, grid" is the right word as it seems to refer to 
something physical, not an intellectual abstract.

>Are there any canon uses of {pat}?

   De'wI' patmey
   computer systems KBoP

   Hongghor pat
   impulse drive system KBoP

   Hub patmey
   defense systems (ST5 notes)

   transporter system KBoP

   leng Dotlh SeHwI' pat
   flight reaction control system KBoP

   muD ngeb SeHwI' pat
   atmospheric control system KBoP

   noch patmey
   remote sensing systems KBoP

   nuH pat
   weapons grid SP3

   pIvghor pat
   warp drive system KBoP

   QeD patmey
   science systems KBoP

   Qum patmey
   communications systems KBoP

   tep jolpat
   cargo transporter KBoP

   wey jolpat
   personnel transporter KBoP

   ya patmey
   tactical systems KBoP

and in context:

   QeD patmey noch patmey je
   science and remote sensing systems  KBoP

   wey jolpat: wa' (jav ghotpu')
   Personnel Transporter - 1 (6 Man)  KBoP

   tep jolpat: wa'
   Cargo Transporter - 1  KBoP

   HoS law'qu' luch law'qu' je lo' Duj nuH pat Hub pat je
   A huge amount of the ship's power and technology is devoted to
   its weapons grid and defensive systems. SP3

 From these, it appears that {pat} refers to a set of devices working together.

Maybe you could do something with {ngaDHa'} "be unstable, be 
unbalanced".  Cf. the phrase {Duj ngaDHa'} "irresponsible person, 
undisciplined person":

   This expression means literally "unstable vessel, unbalanced vessel"
   ... the verb {ngaD} ("be stable, balanced", here followed by the negative
   suffix {-Ha'}) normally applies to a ship or a physical object, not to a
   situation or a person. It would be inappropriate to refer to a person as
   {ngaD} or {ngaDHa'} in a phrase such as {tera'ngan ngaDHa'} ("unstable
   Terran"). A standard verb that is close in meaning is {ngIj} ("rowdy,
   unruly"), as in {tera'ngan ngIj} ("rowdy Terran").  (KGT 150)

Another verb to think about might be {tlhab} "be free, be independent":

   Fruit or vegetables that come from a farm ({Du'}) are called either {naH}
   alone or {Du' naH} ("farm fruit or vegetable," or "produce") the wild
   variety is termed {naH tlhab} (literally, "free fruit or vegetable"). 
(KGT 89)

   tlhab; ngem Ha'DIbaH rur
   free (independent) as a forest animal
   "though this refers to how or where any animal lives rather than to a
   specific animal" (KGT 132)

I wonder if a random - i.e. unpredictable - number can be said to be 
{ngaDHa'} or {ngab}?

(IIRC don't chemists refer to "free radicals"?)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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