tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Apr 22 20:26:36 2003

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Re: KLBC How Smooth...

From: "Alan Anderson" <[email protected]>
> "How Q is X" can be recast as "How much Q-ingness does X have?"  The new
> phrase is easily translated into Klingon as {Q-taHghach 'ar ghaj X?}
> "How smooth is your mother's forehead?"
> "How much being-smooth-ness does your mother's forehead have?"
> HabtaHghach 'ar ghaj SoSlI' Quch?
> It's not always going to be the best way to say it in any particular
> situation, but it's a valid option.

I didn't present /HabtaHghach/ because I didn't want to talk about
"continued smoothness."  Although it could be accepted a little squirmingly,
and it certainly works grammatically, it's not REALLY what we mean.

Besides, what's the answer to "How much continued smoothness does your
mother have?"  Three?  17?  A lot?  What kind of answer is there that
actually answers "how much?"  /'ar/ is asking for some kind of quantified
noun phrase.

It works marginally, but I think any Klingon school teacher would get out
the painstik and teach the child who used such a construction blindly a

Stardate 3307.4

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